The day of admission can be a stressful experience, not only for the resident being admitted, but also for the family. At Wood Haven Health Care we are dedicated to assuring that each admission is as seamless as possible. We hope to alleviate some of the stress by providing a brief overview of what to bring on the day of admission, as well as a brief summary of how the admissions process works.
If admitting from the hospital, the Wood Haven Admissions Coordinator and hospital social worker will coordinate the admission process from start to finish.
If admitting from the community, the Wood Haven Admissions Coordinator will work in combination with the family and the primary care physician to complete the necessary paperwork.

What To Bring On Admission Day
Insurance Cards
- Medicare Card
- Medicaid Card
- Private Insurance Card
- Prescription Drug Coverage Card
- Long-Term Care Insurance Information

Advance Directives Paperwork
- Living Will
- Power of Attorney (Financial & Healthcare)

- Five (5) changes of clothing
- Shoes

Personal Account Money
- Beauty/Barber Services
- Outings